In Reverie we firmly believe in the three fundamental elements for becoming a psychologist (taken from the tripod of dynamic formation): theoretical formation, training analysis, and case supervision. Thus, we offer these elements and more to the novel psychologist or any professionals interested in the field.

In other to apply to any of the training programs the students need to pass two interviews with two different psychologists accredited by Reverie and then follow the process of inscription.

For more information about the training program contact us.

Case studies

Second Thursday of every month we invite all psychologist to a presentation, analysis, and discussions of clinical cases from our team or trainees in supervision. This is a space for learning through the experience and supervision of others and for practice in the discussion and analysis of clinical interventions or diagnosis.

There is a limited availability and there is no cost for participating, for more information about the case studies contact us.

The Passage

This training group comes from the Lacanian concept of pass that refers to an aspect for understanding what is the end of psychoanalysis, this research is made by the testimonial of people that ended their analysis and want to share with the community.

Reverie, being a multidisciplinary center of psychology created this space with similar focus, where psychologist of any model of psychotherapy talk about their end of its process and share their experience for the trainees and future psychotherapists.

Training Analysis

It is considered the psychologist own individual psychotherapy where he can assess and correspond to the awareness of his unconscious conflicts that may be prejudicial for him and his patients and most importantly this process contribute to the psychologist to understanding if counter-transference and enactments on the work he or she is doing.


The objective of the supervision is to offer an organization to the psychologist that want to improve their model of psychotherapy. The supervision will be assessed by a certified experienced mental health professional.

The process consists on doing the follow up of a session with a senior psychologist , afterwards discussing the psychological content of the treatment, both manifest and latent, and to promote awareness of the therapist own unconscious influence on the treatment.

Lectures for the psychologist and non-psychologist

The unconscious

This lecture addresses a more profound knowledge of the unconscious, distancing the terminology from the popular and in some cases wrong conception of the unconscious.

We present the real aspects of the mind, the night time activities that are not at our reach. Dreams, sexuality, mistakes we made, the world of sexual fantasies, the dark thoughts. The hidden things that are hidden from yourself.

Obsessive Neurosis

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Structure & Psychoanalysis

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Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

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Modern psychoanalytic interventions

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Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory

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We are here

to help

If you are wondering which treatment best suits you, we have a team of certified professionals that can asses and guide you to the therapy that can help you the most.

You can reach us anytime calling at 829-686-2700
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